Use of a remote server

You can easily send your metrics to a remote server. This can turn usefull when it comes to running tests in parallel with plugins such as pytest-xdist of pytest-parallel. To do so, instruct pytest with the remote server address to use:

bash $> pytest --remote-server

This way, pytest-monitor will automatically send and query the remote server as soon as it gets a need. Note that pytest-monitor will revert to a normal behaviour if:

  • it cannot query the context or the session for existence

  • it cannot create a new context or a new session

Implementing a remote server

How pytest-monitor interacts with a remote server

The following sequence is used by pytest-monitor when using a remote server:

  1. Ask the remote server if the Execution Context is known.

  2. Insert the Execution Context if the server knows nothing about it.

  3. Ask the remote server if the Session is known.

  4. Insert the Session if the server knows nothing about it.

  5. Insert results once measures have been collected.

Used HTTP codes

Two codes are used by pytest-monitor when asked to work with a remote server:

  • 200 (OK) is used to indicate that a query has led to a non-empty result.

  • 201 (CREATED) is expected by pytest-monitor* when sending a new entry (Execution Context, Session or any Metric).

  • 204 (NO CONTENT) though not checked explicitely should be returned when a request leads to no results.

Mandatory routes

The following routes are expected to be reachable:

GET /contexts/<str:hash>

Query the system for a Execution Context with the given hash.

Return Codes: Must return 200 (OK) if the Execution Context exists, 204 (NO CONTENT) otherwise

GET /sessions/<str:hash>

Query the system for a Session with the given hash.

Return Codes: Must return 200 (OK) if the Session exists, 204 (NO CONTENT) otherwise

POST /contexts/

Request the system to create a new entry for the given Execution Context. Data are sent using Json parameters:

    cpu_count: int,
    cpu_frequency: int,
    cpu_type: str,
    cpu_vendor: str,
    ram_tota: int,
    machine_node: str,
    machine_type: str,
    machine_arch: str,
    system_info: str,
    python_info: str,
    h: str

Return Codes: Must return 201 (CREATED) if the Execution Context has been created

POST /sessions/

Request the system to create a new entry for the given Session. Data are sent using Json parameters:

    session_h: str,
    run_date: str,
    scm_ref: str,
    description: str

Return Codes: Must return 201 (CREATED) if the Session has been created

POST /metrics/

Request the system to create a new Metrics entry. Data are sent using Json parameters:

    session_h: str,
    context_h: str,
    item_start_time: str,
    item_path: str,
    item: str,
    item_variant: str,
    item_fs_loc: str,
    kind: str,
    component: str,
    total_time: float,
    user_time: float,
    kernel_time: float,
    cpu_usage: float,
    mem_usage: float

Return Codes: Must return 201 (CREATED) if the Metrics has been created